One phone call in the middle of the night changes the life of former soldier, JOELLE MCCOY. Her best friend and battle buddy, CONCEPCION CHAPA, is dead and McCoy isn’t taking the alleged car accident at face value. Determined to discover the truth, McCoy sets out on a mission to find her best friend and bring her home.
SQUARED AWAY is the WINNER of the 2020 Next Generation Indie Book Award for Thriller
SQUARED AWAY is the FINALIST of the 2020 National Indie Excellence Award for Friendship

CONCEPCION CHAPA, an Army veteran, FBI special agent, and the orphaned daughter of two CIA agents, has lived a life of sacrifice for her country. When she learns that her parents may not be dead, just undercover, she allows herself to be recruited as a killer-for-hire for the CIA. Faking her death and undergoing surgery to change her looks, Concepcion leaves everything behind-her friends, family, and country. Under the identity of Sofia Paltrini, she travels the globe doing the dirty work of the US government. But in a world of subterfuge and hidden motives, no one is quite who they seem. Concepcion is left not knowing who to trust and wondering if there's a way to live a life for herself that's beyond sacrifice.
BEYOND SACRIFICE is a FINALIST of the 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Award for Thriller.
BEYOND SACRIFICE is a FINALIST of the 2021 CLUE Award for SUSPENSE/Thriller Books of Chanticleer International Book Awards (the CIBAS). Winners Announced June 2022.
For more publicity info, contact Mindbuck Media Book Publicity: emily@mindbuckmedia.com
Circuit Breaker Books

ALICIA DILL is an Army veteran, public speaker and award-winning author. She spent six years as an Army soldier and globally published print journalist. She remains active in the veteran community by bringing storytelling to a wider audience and advocating for accurate representation of women in uniform. Her time as a soldier serving “in harm’s way” gave her the opportunity to meet so many talented women with the same goal of service above oneself. It's because of that experience, the Missouri native wrote her debut novel, Squared Away, in a series of untold stories of sisters in uniform. She followed up with her second novel, Beyond Sacrifice, published in 2021.
She joined the Iowa Army National Guard at the age of 17 and through her GI Bill benefits received her degree in journalism and international studies at the University of Iowa. She recently completed an MBA and a Masters in Communication Management at University of Dubuque. Her first book debuted at the historic Prairie Lights Bookstore in 2019. In 2020, Squared Away won the international Next Generation Indie Book Award in the Thriller Category and the Finalist of the National Indie Excellence Award. Beyond Sacrifice is currently a finalist for the CLUE award & Next Generation Indie Book Award. She appeared on Talk of Iowa with Charity Nebbe, the international podcasts, Women of the Military and The Female Veteran Podcast.
Alicia relishes sharing her lessons learned in bringing veteran stories to the screen and investing in the art of the possible. She finished her first pilot in the Writer’s Guild Veterans Writing Project as a 2021-2022 Co-hort. During this time, she was selected by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and completed the Diverse Readers Training Workshop. Her inspiration and energy is usually spent creating a moment for the audience, regardless of the artistic medium.